Pic 1: HKS Racing Suction Kit
Just got hold of the HKS Racing Suction Kit (Part No. 70020-AN009) for the ER34. This replaces the factory rubber intake piping with a aluminum mandrel bent suction pipe that have been tested for optimal air flow.

Pic 2: HKS Racing Suction Kit
To install the HKS Racing Suction Kit, it takes quite a fair bit of work. Lot of pipe work needs to be removed to make way to reach the turbine. And of course, the air filter and AFM are also taken out. The suction kit needs to go all the way in and connects the turbine inlet to the AFM and air filter.
Air flow would be heaps better but the most significant difference to me was the sound it makes! When I lift off the throttle, it produces a series of "woo, woo, woo, woo" noise. Pretty sick me think.

Pic 3: Removing the pipings

Pic 4:The factory pipe

Pic 4:The factory pipe

Pic 5: This is where the HKS Racing Suction Kit sits

Pic 6: Installed pic

Pic 7:A better view