Pic 1: The Uras Super Single Drift Clutch
Ever since I got the ER34 2 years ago, I know that the clutch will have to be replaced. It works fine but I'm not sure how much longer it will hold. I've been slowly upgrading the rest of the car but always fails to neglect this important portion. Yea shoot me! :(
I try to keep an eye on any good clutches that came my way but they are just too costly. My dream will be the set from ORC; the ORC409D. Clutches from ORC, NISMO and HKS costs a lot. Way beyond my budget. Used clutches are not cheap either. Factor in the fact that they could have been badly abused by the previous owner and/or have not been handled properly (plates could be bent), it's not a path that I'll like to take risk on. Oh and most if not all the used clutches I come across have huge amount of rust on 'em. God knows how long they have been left in the elements.

Pic 2: That's how it looks like packed

Pic 3: Open sesame ...

Pic 4: Packed in anti-corrosion paper
Late last year, I came across clutches by URAS. URAS makes clutches?!?!?
Yeap, that's my initial thought too. Little known to many URAS did come out with clutches for the SR and RB engines. I tried to scour online forums from around the world but little or no information can be had for the URAS clutch. Guess they are pretty new (and rare?) in the market.

Pic 5: The Uras Clutch!
When I got hold of URAS to get more info ..... it turns out that URAS together with ORC have produced a drift clutch capable of handling 400PS with minimum pedal effort and maximum bite. Apparently, it is the same as the ORC 409 series single plate but with a slightly different friction plate, this makes more daily driver friendly as drifters tend to use their cars as daily drivers and take them out at night for play. Well but I'm no drifter. It's a dampler-less clutch thus the bite should be great. So anyway .... by looking at the clutches side by side, they are of the same. Blitz and URAS clucthes are all made by ORC. They all tie in with each other with only branding changes. Check out the below picture and you'll notice how identical the ORC and URAS clutch are.

Pic 6: ORC 409 series Super Single Clutch
The clutch is a high performance unit made of very high grade steel, therefore, it should make that 'shing' noise on start up much like ORC ones. I call it the 'cash register shing' sound. :P
Well, I think I've dragged time long enough. I've just 'forced myself' to get a set and thus now there's this URAS clutch waiting to be installed into the ER34. The URAS super single drift clutch comes in a set with a lighten flywheel. But I'll have to source for a pull to push conversion kit to convert the pull system of the ER34 to a push system in order for this clutch to work.
Now I'm thinking whether it's worth the effort? Should I just sell off the clutch or go hungry for the next 30 days? :(
Anyone interested in this? :)
More pics....

Pic 7: Shiny green eh?

Pic 8: Another view

Pic 9: Side view

Pic 10: Even the logo positioning is the same are ORC ones

Pic 11: This is how it looks like at the rear

Pic 12: The underside

Pic 13: A closer look at the 'fingers'

Pic 14: Another shot of the clutch